Post about "Beauty"

Using Your Emotions to Create the Beauty From Within

Have you ever been in the room with someone who is truly beautiful? Are you entranced by the clothes, their looks, how their hair is done, how they walk, talk or speak? Where does beauty come from?We have all heard the saying, ‘beauty comes from within’ which on the days that your hair does what it wants, you have chosen the wrong shoes to go with your outfit or you just don’t feel your best, means nothing. Compliments are thrown to the wayside and you are not able to enjoy your accomplishments.When you are experiencing those dark, ugly moments, what is going on in your head? Stop! Listen and hear what you are saying to yourself. It is true that you create your own beauty and it does come from within. What you say to yourself creates a light-filled beauty or a person from the dark side.Your Self-TalkYour self-talk is affecting your emotions, decisions and how beautiful you feel each day. Our thoughts affect our mood, our health and how we live each day. So, if you tell yourself that you are beautiful, guess what, you are. And that beauty will show in how people react to you when you are doing business, with friends or family.Self-talk is a deeply ingrained, generational habit. It is like having a computer chip downloaded with instructions that you play over and over and believe is your reality.These habits can even be measured. There is an evolving research field known as positive psychology. Dr. Sonja Lyubormirsky, in her book, The How of Happiness, states that as much as 40 percent of our happiness “is left for the intentional activities that we can choose to engage in . . . the things that we do and think every day of our lives.”By engaging in thoughts of self disapproval we bury our beauty under dark, negative feelings about ourselves. It affects every aspect of our lives and limits our possibilities.Learn to create your most beautiful self by monitoring how you are feeling. When those dark moments appear, watch them, stop them and search your mind for an alternate, beautiful way of seeing and feeling about yourself.The following exercise is one of the most powerful I have ever done. You may surprise yourself at how beautiful you are.1. Write about how you see yourself. Include the dark, negative aspects that you hear yourself saying constantly. Be brutal, this is the ugly, dark side.2. Write about who you want to be. How beautiful, wonderful, delightful, kind, enjoyable, exciting, loving, great, accomplished . . . etc. You know that person you see when you walk in a room that you want to be around because you feel so great when you are with them. Write about that person, it is you.When you are done writing these two scenarios, read them. They are two completely different people. You will probably surprise yourself seeing how wonderful you are. Keep the one about your beauty close and read it often. This is the person you are and can become with practice.Some other suggestions:o Be aware of what you are thinkingo Shoot down those negative thoughts with positive oneso Find some books or CDs on positive self talko Use them dailyo Envision a world of beauty with you in ito Work at saying only positive statementsAs you are creating your own beauty make sure that you spend time each day noticing the beauty around you. When you appreciate this beautiful world your beauty becomes a part of it and you will carry it with you everywhere.Find your beauty, carry it with you and give it to others. Your beauty is needed in this world.